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The Chattanooga Phi Beta Kappa Association offers an endowed scholarship to students at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Click to read more about our program.
Phi Beta Kappa members who are residents of Chattanooga, Tennessee and the surrounding area are encouraged to become members of our Association. Join today!
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Lifelong Learning Resources
Phi Beta Kappa’s commitment to lifelong learning means we’re here to support members’ curiosity and growth at every stage of life. With resources like free public lectures through the Visiting Scholar Program, our annual Summer Reading List, and an active members-only LinkedIn group, we offer opportunities to inspire and stay connected. Our Key Connections events each fall bring members together for professional development and networking, while the “Key into Your Career” page on our national website provides essential career resources for professionals of every stage.
For those who love to listen, explore our podcasts - Smarty Pants, Key Conversations, and Read Me a Poem - each offering insightful conversations on the arts, sciences, and beyond. Our publications, The American Scholar and The Key Reporter provide thought-provoking articles on the liberal arts and sciences.
Stay connected through our social media channels, updated weekly with the latest news and stories from the Phi Beta Kappa community. With resources like these and more, Phi Beta Kappa is here to fuel your intellectual passions and professional growth. Learn more at pbk.org.